Do you ever get through the news anymore without feeling numbed, stunned and amazement at our world?
While some countries continue to not be able to supply water, or a basic education other countries are tearing themselves apart with stone age barbarism.
Meanwhile in advanced economies we are focused on the arrival date of the next smartphone or when the first driverless cars will be publicly available. The technological gulf in this world seems to yawn wider by the day.
The global poor may finally have had their lives improved over the last decade or so with the Millennium Goals but it feels increasing like some of the global population are beginning to live space age lifestyles while many of our fellow human beings still live worse off than perhaps did many in the 1500-1600s (Elizabethan England and Renaissance Europe).
It makes you want to weep over the world.
The technological world is not just a series of unconnected artifacts without values. Philosophers of technology and science, technology and society scholars have long been interested in the connections between people and the artifacts they create and use. This blog is focussed on how Christians engage and disengage with the technologies around them. My goal is not to focus too much on one class of technologies (say electronics) but instead to focus on the depth of our technological systems.