Monday, September 30, 2013

Writing on Christianity and Technology Fears

During the summer Virginia Heffernan an ex technology writer for New York Times wrote on her blog that she was a creationist. The blog entry could have been better written but she did an interview with Q on CBC which is actually well worth listening to.

But the reaction to her announcement was rather vicious and out of proportion.

This gives voice to my own silent voice. Does blogging on Christianity and technology in a serious way, thus revealing that I am a Christian jeopardize my ability to get contract consulting work?

Although the study of technology in society today is a growing field of inquiry and there are many of academics who are Christians. Indeed, there are many who are interested in technology of many faiths nevertheless is it a risk?

Given the current perceptions of Christians do non-Christians get that I can take science seriously and still be a Christian?

A whole bunch of questions there, but I will continue.